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Verizon Customer Advisory Board
Experiential Activation
Brand Design
Art Director & Designer

Verizon Media’s Customer Advisory Board gathered top clients to understand view point, feedback on product and technology features.

/ Case study

The Verizon Media Customer Advisory Board was created as an event for top clients with the goal of improving their product offerings, understand and listen to feedback from their top customers and meet the needs of their technical business challenges while also premiering new and improved technology. They wanted to understand their perspective and feedback. They asked – What were their technical pain points? How can they improve technology features to meet their needs? What features were working for them? What would they like to see more of?

/ The results

Survey results showed top level executives overall satisfaction with the 2-day open forum discussion and expected to see future product enhancements and new technical solutions. We led with the theme to Deliver which aligned with their main company messaging – Verizon Media delivers a single, integrated platform to meet the needs of their streaming clients. An evergreen look and feel was created for the brand’s initiatives, produced branding for the event space, and achieved a consistent look and feel that carried throughout the event for top level executives.

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